We've moved!

Our new address is 3385 West 4th Avenue, located at street level on the north side of 4th Avenue.



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You will find:

  • Philosohpy

  • Healing Tools

  • Canadian Naturopathic Association


  • Dr. Nabeel Ajina

    A specialist in allergies and chronic illness, Dr Ajina has been practicing naturopathic and preventative medicine since 1989. His practice includes, but is not limited to clinical nutrition, homeopathics, botanicals, and desensitization for: food, chemical, inhalant, pollen, and mold sensitivities.

    Dr. Ajina applies the science of VEGA testing for assessment in his practice. This is a non-invasive method of detecting sensitivities and imbalances.

    We offer unhurried appointments as Dr. Ajina believes in giving each patient as much time as they require. After a thorough consultation and the detailed testing is complete, each patient is provided with an individualized treatment program.


    Dr. Ajina has been a member of the College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia since 1989 and is a graduate of the Canada College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario. Dr. Ajina also holds an M.D. degree and has 5 years post-graduate research experience. His interest is clinical ecology (environmentally produced disease) and treating chronic conditions.

    Please contact us for more information or to book an appointment.